world masters athletics championship, accomodation world master athletics, athletics contest 2007, sports events 2007, marathon race Italy
The area where the WMACS 2007 will take place is a reservoir of authentic surprises, well known and treasured on a national level, and for many it will be a brand new place to get to know.
The sea with its well-organized beaches, always full of life, even at night.
In terms of tourism the area offers hundreds of high quality hotels which often preserve the century-old traditions of local hospitality.
Every day events, fashion, shopping, dancing locales and thematic festivals all accompany this pleasant place to spend a vacation.
The area offers a strong tradition of wine and food products, with dishes that are original and enviable. Aquatic, seaside parks, theme and amusement parks are another year-round attraction.
"History" is alive along the coast as well as in the beautiful hinterlands just a short distance from the sea: magnificent castles, magical villages, natural oases and nature walks open up new horizons to those who really want to get to know our country.